I ADORE this product, best heat protectant I’ve ever tried!!
I’ve recently been on the hunt for the best heat protectant sprays, as the product I typically used for protecting my hair while blow drying was a combo leave-in conditioner/heat protectant, and it was starting to become too heavy for my hair now that it’s a bit healthier/less highlighted. I researched a lot of products and ingredients, and this is one of the ones I chose to invest in and try. I purchased it from Nordstrom, as this website was still sold out.
Needless to say, this is now the only heat protectant in use for when my hair is still wet - it’s hands down the best one I’ve ever tried, and I feel like I’ve tried most of the products out there. It sprays in a lovely, fine, even way, so you know your hair is evenly covered with product, and it smells really nice and clean, too!! Will forever buy this!!!